
  • The new job

    So I posted a quick blurb on my Facebook wall yesterday that I had taken a new job within Microsoft: I got a lot of well wishes. And I want to thank everyone who did either post on my wall or sent me an e-mail with the congratulations. I also...
  • Hey…what happened to ArcReady?

    For the last 2 1/2 years Microsoft DPE has been putting on a series of events called ArcReady (short for architecture readiness). We have run the events in the area that Microsoft calls its Central Region (which is the 18 states in the middle of the United States between Canada...
  • Open Spaces at work

    Update on 6/28 – I did a Thirsty Developer interview with Doc List, about Open Spaces and the unmeeting that we held. Check out the Episode Page or Listen to the show. I also made a minor change to the text below (moved one of the titles down a paragraph)....
  • Getting a coding workout

    At the Chicago Code Camp this last month (May 30th) I got to see a great presentation by Micah Martin (@slagyr) entitled “Ruby Kata and Sparring”. Micah’s presentation was in a very “Zen” style and the majority of his talk was about the importance of practicing your coding skills. He...
  • Pictorial Instructions

    This past weekend I took a flight and I did something that I normally do not do, which is pay attention to the flight crew as they give their safety briefing. Years of air travel have given me the ability to recite the standard briefing in my sleep, so normally...

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