
  • Finding Balance

    Balance by Cherice used under Creative Commons This is a highly personal blog post that is beyond what I would normally put on this blog. I am sharing this because I think there might be some of the readers who have faced some of the things I am going to...
  • Hierarchy or Search?

    A Card Sort in Progress by Yandle used under Creative Commons I recently attended a session on on User Experience where they talked about the need for good UX, showed some good and bad examples of UX and shared some best practices. I liked the session a lot (and not...
  • Technology should not make you more productive

    If someone were to ask you the question “Does technology make you more productive?” How would you answer? If you are like most people you would say “Yes, technology makes me much more productive!”. There are, of course, some people who argue that technology does not make you more productive,...
  • Living the Dream: Frozen Code Base

    One of the coolest parts of my job as an Evangelist for Microsoft is that I get to go to cool technical events and call it “work”. I also get to pull the “Honey, it is all part of the job” with my wife Jodie (it almost always works and...
  • A week without Flash

    I got a new laptop right before the holidays (as a total aside it is a Dell M1330 and is a wonderful machine with only a few shortcomings). I follow a standard practice of never using the image that the hardware manufacturers put on their laptops. There are a number...

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